A musical revue of the collaboration between Rodgers and Hammerstein...
Taste and imagination, the two key ingredients for a first-rate revue, abound in this fresh take on the Rodgers & Hammerstein canon, conceived by Tony Award winner Walter Bobbie. Over three decades after the duo's final collaboration, The Sound of Music, took Broadway by storm, this new R&H musical opened the 1994 Broadway season with flair and distinction, garnering wildly enthusiastic notices and earning two Tony nominations, including Best Musical.
“A splendiferous show of songs, a terrific compendium... indeed a grand night!” – New York Post
“A Grand Night for Singing is enough to restore one's faith in the future of the revue and the durability of Rodgers & Hammerstein. It gives the material the kind of thoughtful rethinking it has long deserved.” – USA Today
“Stylish... Among the finest revues I’ve ever seen! Don’t miss it.” – Tom Williams, Chicago Critic
“A smooth two-hour entertainment... the songs flow together in a sequence that treats them as lighthearted extensions of one another.” – Stephen Holden, The New York Times
“Masterful... a songfest for those who love musical theater.” – Alan Bresloff, Around The Town Chicago